Monday, July 26, 2010

Borders: Do they exist?

I wonder, do our borders really exist? If so, why do we have them?

This isn't only about our border with Mexico, although it is a huge problem, it is about all illegal immigrants invading our Country. We love immigrants. Love them. Isn't that what the USA is made of? Yes, I believe so. Unless you are a Native American Indian, your ancestors are from another country. We want them here and please do come, but only through the front door. I'm sorry that it might take a while. Really, I am. I understand that there are quite a few countries with unlivable circumstances, i.e. war or under-/undeveloped governments. Just like we all have to wait our turn in line in our lifetimes, there is a line to get into the USA and there is also protocol to follow as in any procedure.

The hard truth is that we need to secure our Mexican border quickly. Not only are Al Qaeda members coming through that border, there are cities and towns being taken over or their residents are living under constant watch so they don't get kidnapped or killed by drug cartels. The underground tunnel systems have to be plugged up. Worried about getting a cap on that oil spill??? Not anymore, it's been taken care of. Let's get this other HUGE problem taken care of!

These residents should not be living that way nor should they have to vacate the area. That is their home and THEY have the right to be there.

It seems that the US Govt. is so worried about converting all of our belief systems over to a progressive way of thinking than they are about actually taking care of it's citizens. The REAL citizens. It is rumored that without all of these illegal immigrants, there would be no one to cook our restaurant food, mow our lawns, roof our houses, build our streets, sweep our floors. That sounds a little ridiculous to me considering my neighbor is a roofer and lawnmower but is a legal citizen himself and only hires legals. With so many unemployed right now, I think we could find enough people to fill the shoes of the so-called "unwanted jobs".

I'm often asked, "Would you do their job?". Damn right I would. Especially if I were desperate. I would be first in line. I would not be taking money from the Govt. and sitting on my butt for months on end. Now, do not take that out of context and get lead to believe that I am knocking those taking unemployment until they find new jobs. I am NOT saying that at all. What I am saying is that sometimes we have to change our lifestyles for a while. Sell your house, your cars (if you can) and work your way back up. It happened once, it can happen again. That is the beauty of living here. You are NOT held down by your govt. (yet) and you can rise again. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Humility is a wonderful thing. It makes you humble and enjoy/love the real things in life.

I'm still trying to work my way up the first time. If I get knocked down, I'll try again. Will I be mad, angry or upset? Sure, I will but I don't want to get discouraged.

Also, if all of the illegal immigrants were not here, maybe we wouldn't have as many families on welfare.....maybe though. It all depends on how the person is. Most entitled people would not give that up. Just like the lady who was interviewed after Obama was elected:

Reporter: "What's going to change now that Obama is President?"

Interviewee: "I'm not gonna have to pay my mortgage, my car payment or for anything again!"

I'm thinking, "Where in the world does this lady think that money is going to come from? Oh, me, that's who!" Ridiculous that people think that way. And how is that working out for her???? Probably not so well. She's either still paying her bills or has been kicked to the curb.

A sense of entitlement will get you nowhere. A sense of good work ethic and faith in the Lord above, however, will get you to where you want to be or at least close.

That is my rant for the day. I think I covered a few topics when I really started to cover only one but I think they are intertwined

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